Is this location dog friendly?
Great news – The Chimney House is dog-friendly!
You can take your dog along to The Chimney House! Find out more about their dog friendly offerings below, and get visiting with your pooch.You can find The Chimney House at 28 Upper Hamilton Road, Brighton, UK.
You can also find other Pubs that allow dogs in Brighton & Hove here on Bring The Pooch.
Bring The Pooch's verdict
The Chimney House is a warm and welcoming pub just around the corner from Seven Dials. They offer a good dose of local food from local sources and all the drinks you know and love.
Dog facilities
28 Upper Hamilton Road, Brighton, UK
Stephen Chowder
December 18, 2019 at 08:34My fave pub in Brighton, with a brilliantly put together food menu too. Get somthing to eat here… you won’t regret it!