Is this location dog friendly?
Great news – The Crescent is dog-friendly!
You can take your dog along to The Crescent! Find out more about their dog friendly offerings below, and get visiting with your pooch.You can find The Crescent at 6 Clifton Hill, Brighton, UK.
You can also find other Pubs that allow dogs in Brighton & Hove here on Bring The Pooch.
Bring The Pooch's verdict
A lovely community oriented pub just a short walk from Seven Dials in Brighton. A great range of deals throughout the week, and also has a pub quiz. This one is a fair bit quieter than many other pubs in Brighton & Hove, making it better suited to relaxing and unwinding, and just great for dogs too. Renowned for its great beer gardens.
Dog facilities
6 Clifton Hill, Brighton, UK
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