Is this location dog friendly?
Great news – Starfish & Coffee is dog-friendly!
You can take your dog along to Starfish & Coffee! Find out more about their dog friendly offerings below, and get visiting with your pooch.You can find Starfish & Coffee at 35 Egremont Place, Brighton, UK.
You can also find other Cafes that allow dogs in Brighton & Hove here on Bring The Pooch.
Bring The Pooch's verdict
Brunch like a boss at Starfish & Coffee! An independent neighbourhood cafe which has won numerous awards you really can’t afford to leave this one off the list. They use only the finest local produce in their food and even their coffee is roasted locally in Brighton. A popular spot for tourists, locals and pooches everywhere. This one is also close to Queens Park, so be sure to take the dog for a wander around there when you're in the area.
Dog facilities
35 Egremont Place, Brighton, UK
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