Is this location dog friendly?
Great news – Olive Tree is dog-friendly!
You can take your dog along to Olive Tree! Find out more about their dog friendly offerings below, and get visiting with your pooch.You can find Olive Tree at Olive Tree, The Wharf, Bude EX23 8LG, UK.
You can also find other Restaurants that allow dogs in Bude here on Bring The Pooch.
Bring The Pooch's verdict
Please note: Olive Tree is dog-friendly outdoors only, so best visited in the summer months when it's hot and sunny!
Is there such a thing as Cornish and Italian fusion? We'd argue yes because Olive Tree bistro exists in Bude – and they're taking that crown. Renowned for fantastic quality Italian food – they kick off the day with a gorgeous breakfast menu running until midday, at which point the bistro kicks off with a range of dishes from local fish and chips, through to Italian goodies like prawn linguine. Some solid vegan options on the menu here too, and a few gluten free dishes too.
Dog facilities
Olive Tree, The Wharf, Bude EX23 8LG, UK
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