Is this location dog friendly?
Great news – Jenny Lind Inn is dog-friendly!
You can take your dog along to Jenny Lind Inn! Find out more about their dog friendly offerings below, and get visiting with your pooch.You can find Jenny Lind Inn at 69 High Street, Hastings, UK.
You can also find other Pubs that allow dogs in Hastings here on Bring The Pooch.
Bring The Pooch's verdict
A much adored pub in the Old Town area of Hastings. The Jenny Lind (or just 'The Jenny' to locals) has been going for over 10 years and has built a true sense of community around it. Known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, as well as weekly live music and other events. There's a front bar, a quieter back bar, and a beer garden for when the sunny weather is here. And your dog is allowed in all 3! Lots of interesting quality cask ales on offer too, including many from local breweries.
Dog facilities
69 High Street, Hastings, UK
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